About Lise Battaglia
A sought after expert, guide, teacher, advocate, mentor and speaker, Lise works integratively with conventional and traditional medicines to support clients through recovery. Lise sees clients and mentors professionals in New York City, and globally via video telehealth. Recognized for her non-patriarchal approach, drawing upon non-prescription, holistic methods, Lise customizes her approach to each patient's needs to ensure the most efficient and transformative healing process. Regularly witnessing remarkable healing in her clients- Lise considers herself fortunate to witness the miracle of the healing journeys of her clients.

Crisis & Addictions Counsellor.
Holistic Recovery Coach
Lise began her career in empowerment and healing as a counsellor; a crisis counselor for 12 years with Saint Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital in NYC, for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Rape. As a Certified Addictions Practitioner; Lise educates, coaches, mentors and helps those wishing to detox, withdraw, taper and recover from dependence on medications, recreational drugs and habits that do not support optimal health. An innovator in Addictions - Lise uses an integrative approach to resolve physical and emotional trauma, allergies, microbiome imbalance, (leaky gut) damaged and neurotransmitter deficiencies, chemical, heavy metal, and environmental toxins to support deep healing and remove the cause for craving. In over 30 years of practice, Lise considers addiction and substance mis-use not as a weakness of character, but a result of many causes.

Education + Credentials
Lise is a graduate of Barnard College, Columbia University, certified by the Council on Homeopathic Certification (CCH) and Registered Society of Homeopaths North America RSHom(NA). She earned advanced standing as a Homeopathic Master Clinician (HMC), in Homeopathic Detox (HDT) credentialed by the university of Human Chemistry, CEASE, and is certified as: a Certified Addictions Professional, GAPS Practitioner, a Homeoprophylaxis Supervisor, a Bach Flower Essences Registered Practitioner (BFRP) and Biofield Tuning Practitioner.