Study With Lise
Bach Level 1 Training for individuals & professionals.
Join us in an intimate online setting for (4) 3-hour sessions.
Or bring together a group to study live with Lise .
​Training is Bach Center Certified, part 1 of 3 part training to become a
Bach flower registered practitioner. BFRP,
On-Demand Learning
Alchemy & Addiction
on Trinity Health Hub
Alchemy and Addiction with Lise
ACHENA ceus awarded.
For 2 years monthly Lise did a deep dive into Addiction.
Analyses of specific addictions, exploring the historical, biochemical and spiritual contexts for this challenging condition.
"In this series, Lise shares her experience with strategies for recognition, therapeutics and client management. She anchors her presentations with case examples. Practitioners can develop skills to recognize and work with clients who have substance abuse issues." Karen Allen, Trinity Health Hub.​​
Among topics covered...
Windows and Waves: Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome: The newest problem for the “recovered” Benzo addict. Is this what your clients are suffering with?
Trauma: When what scares them scares us: A practitioners guide to supportive measures for the self medicating client.
My Tummy Hurts… Leaky gut & Addiction: When our clients come to us on special diets. A homeopath’s primer.
The Wizard of Opiates. Poppies, poppies….Papaveraceae: Isopathic considerations for opioid dependence in tampering off pain killers, choosing potency and organ support.
Bach Benzos & Addiction
The Part 2 to Alchemy & Addiction : Conventional care and Homeopathic care in the spotlight.
10 hours presented in 2 - 30minute segments.
The average number of times a person "goes into recovery" is 11.
30% of Americans are on some mind or mood altering medication.
What is it like to be "in the system" for a patients seeking allopathic recovery support?
What opportunities are there for the homeopath to support these clients ? How is homeopathy uniquely poised to offer lasting support and recovery.
Each month Lise explains the important aspects of these realities for 30 minutes and later the month she opens the sessions for Bach flower Case Analysis & Mentorship.
Formerly & Currently Enrolled Bach Level 1 Students
practice, practice, practice!
12 hours Introduction to the Bach Flower Essences .
for those who have previously attended Lise's Level 1 training.
Follow this link to your course!
Unveiling & Unravelling BIND
Presented by the
Pacific Northwest Homeopathic Society. ​
3 hours presented in April, 2024. ACHENA: 3 ceus
Did you know?
1 in 8 Americans are on a Benzodiazepine.
Many suffer from BIND and struggle to taper off their medication,
even when the medication is no longer working.
BIND is a fairly new concept in psychopharmacology. There is very little help for them, besides waiting out the damage to self-repair.
Lise Battaglia, Homeopath and Addictions Counselor, will discuss the unique obstacles to cure and homeopathic strategies that can support healing.